A Valuable Investment


Schoolhouse Playcare Centre has been approved in the Canada Wide Early Learning Child Care System. This program will provide fee reduction funding and will be implemented using a phased in approach.

- A fee reduction of up to 25% for eligible children (under age 6, retroactive to April 1, 2022 for the first year of implementation.

- An additional 25% reduction bringing the total to 52.75% on average for eligible children by the end of 2022 calendar year (reflected in January payments for families.)

- Additional fee reductions scheduled for January 2025 - no eligible child care fees will be more than $22.00 per day.

"Eligible Child" means:

a. Any child, until the last day of the month in which the child turns 6 uears old (irrespective of the type of licensed child care program in which they are enrolled); and

b. Up until June 30 in a calendar year, any child who,

- Turns 6 years old between January 1 and June 30 in that calendar year; and

- Is enrolled in a licensed infant, toddler, preschool or kindergarten group, a licensed family age group, or home child care, as defined in CCEYA

Rebates can be provided in the form of credits for future child care provided the child continues to receive child care and can make use of the credit.


We bill families at the end of each month for the following month and ask that Monthly fees be paid during the first week of each month. Preferred method of payment is E-transfer, fees may be paid by cheque or money order, please print your invoice number and child's name on the cheque. Please note that cheques may take a little longer time to process due to the low number of them that we receive.

We are a non-profit organization that runs based on the enrolment and fees collected each month. We budget according to this and cannot carry outstanding fee debts for longer than a month. If fees are not paid after a reminder has been issued mid-month, and no attempt to make payment has been made within 10 working days following this reminder, your child's space will be opened up to families waiting on our waitlist. At this point if you have still not made payment or made an attempt to make payment you will receive a letter stating that your outstanding amount will be going to collections.

If in the event that a cheque is returned NSF (Non-sufficient funds) a $45.00 administration fee will be issued, and a prompt payment of the amount will be expected or follow through will be as above.

Fee Schedule

Program Fees

CCWELC rates are for eligible children 6 and under

Current Daily Fee

January 1, 2022

25% Reduced Fee

April 1, 2022

52.75% Reduced Fee

January 1, 2023

January 2025

CCWELC Fees – cap at $22.00 per day

Infant – full day

$67.00 per day

$50.25 per day

$31.66 per day

$22.00 per day

Toddler – full day

$47.00 per day

$35.25 per day

$22.21 per day

$22.00 per day

Toddler – socialization ~ 8:30 to 11:30 am

$26.00 per day

$19.50 per day

$12.28 per day

$12.28 per day

Toddler – half day with lunch ~ 7:30am to 1:00pm

$32.00 per day

$24.00 per day

$15.12 per day

$15.12 per day

Preschool - full day

$43.00 per day

$32.25 per day

$20.32 per day

$20.32 per day

Preschool – socialization ~8:30 to 11:30 am

$25.00 per day

$18.75 per day

$12.00 per day

$12.00 per day

Preschool – half day with lunch ~ 7:30 am to 1:00 pm

$30.00 per day

$22.50 per day

$14.18 per day

$14.18 per day

Kindergarten – PD days (bring own lunch)

$38.00 per day

$38.00/$28.50 per day

$38.00/$17.95 per day

$38.00/$17.95 per day

Kindergarten before and after



$27.00/$14.24 per day

$27.00/$14.24 per day

St. Martin Nursery School ~ 9:30 am to 12:00 pm

$25.00 per day

$18.75 per day

$12.00 per day

$12.00 per day

Before School programs

$13.50 per day

$13.50/$12.00 per day

$13.50/$12.00 per day

$13.50/$12.00 per day

After School programs

$13.50 per day

$13.50/$12.00 per day

$13.50/$12.00 per day

$13.50/$12.00 per day

School age PD days (bring own lunch)

$35.00 per day

$35.00/$26.25 per day

$35.00/$16.54 per day

$35.00/$16.54 per day

Non – Base Fees



Late pick up fee

$25.00 after 5:30 pm

Key fob fee

$10.00 per fob

*Employees of Schoolhouse Playcare Centre are not to be solicited for child care services outside of the Centre during the Centre’s regular operating hours including: Summer months, March Break and Christmas Break