november 2024
Today the children explored a multi-step gluing activity. First the children explored glue with the paddles, then we added salt. “Woooahhh!!!” TW cheered. Tomorrow we'll add water colour paints and watch what happens when the colours dissolves into the salt. This provided quite the fine motor challenge as they used their hand eye coordination to move the glue from the small pots to their papers. They explored the glue holding their paddles up in the air watching it slowly drip onto their paper.
A few days later we revisited our salt and glue paintings with water colours. The children used brushes and dipped them in the paint then the water and put the brush onto their creations. Watching carefully the children were in awe of what was happening on their papers! “I'm making Mommy!” - DT “I like paint” - LS “I want red” - SM. TW took a big breath in, in excitement watching the water move across his paper.
Jessica Chikoski, RECE
Eva Tsai, RECE