Toddler Program

november 2024

Yesterday during lunch, there was a comment about the sun being ‘broken’, and to extend on that idea today we brought out some tape for the children to help ‘fix’ the sun. (The conversation is on our documentation board in the Toddler Room, please feel free to read it for context!) We brought some tape outside to see what the children would do!

What started out as an idea to fix the ‘sun’, began to turn into trying to attach tape to other surfaces; including hands, the tires and some play trucks. Do you think they needed to be fixed, too?

I wonder what the thinking was behind using tape; is it because the children know we use tape to fix our books? We will have to explore this idea further…….

Don McMahon RECE, Smriti Bhoray ECE BEd BA in special education, Madhuri Bhalodia BA BEd