Infant Program

december 2024

The Winter season is finally upon us! One chilly morning, the children noticed something floating gently through the air. “What is that?” we asked the children, “SNOW!” said C. We then made our way outside to explore the snow! Since this is the first year that the children are able to grasp the concept of snow, this was extremely fascinating to them! C and S practiced throwing handfuls of snow up in the air, while J laid in the snow, taking it all in! As the weather got colder, we began bringing buckets of snow inside for the children to continue exploring. The children have investigated the snow by using their hands, shovels/scoops, as well as painting the snow using squeeze bottles! As the children felt the snow on their hands, we asked, “What does it feel like? Is it hot or cold?”. M paused for a few moments before saying, “COLD!!”. A few children have become very interested in the holiday season as they contributed to traditions in their own homes, such as building a snowman, decorating their Christmas tree, reading holiday stories, etc.! In particular, several of the children have become very fascinated with snowmen! Due to this large interest, we created a snowman inside the classroom! After the children helped Emily roll the snowballs, we then had the idea to continue the children’s interest in ‘snow painting’ and to paint the snowman using squeeze bottles. To continue fostering the children’s interest in snow and bringing an art element along with it, we progressed the interest by exploring ice! We mixed paint and water together to create colourful ice cubes in which the children used to paint on their own individual sheets of paper. “Cold!” said S as she felt the ice cube. It didn’t take long for the children to begin painting their hands, faces, and each other’s faces using the colourful ice cubes!

I wonder what the children will create with the snow/ice when we are able to return outside?

Emily Merenda RECE, Swati Limbachia BA, BEd, MA, Rachelle Minthorn RECE