september 2023
The children continue to fascinate us with the way that they explore the materials that are available to them in the room. It’s especially exciting when we as educators capture a truly authentic moment with the children’s learning.
Take these two photos for example. What started out as a mark-making activity led to something much, much deeper.
While the photos capture the children’s mark making on the paper, they don’t capture the other explorations that were happening! The educators noticed that the children were tapping the egg crayons on the surface of the paper. To us as adults, we understand that the sound would likely naturally occur as the crayons were being applied; but what would the children’s theories be?
This moment led to a big discussion at a recent team meeting. Could the children be showing an interest in exploring sound? What other materials do we currently have in the room that could allow for this? Other than musical instruments, what other items could we add?
We have some ideas that we are going to be exploring next week, I wonder what the children will show us next?
Don McMahon, RECE
Hailee King, RECE
Madi Osborne, Educator