noember 2023
So, the Christmas countdown begins! Our children have been looking forward to Christmas music, decorating the room, and 'Penny the Elf's' arrival! They had a blast last year seeing where Penny would be now they are even more curious where she will end up! We asked the group, ‘what will Penny the Elf do this year?’ and this sparked some very creative ideas. K.B and M.M had similar guesses, ‘she will be sitting with the hanging snowflakes and maybe even make a zipline!’. C.B. brought up a very good point, ‘maybe she will hear us right now and do those things!’ This comment sparked a lot of excitement throughout our room and the children cannot wait for Penny to arrive! In preparation for all these festivities, M.M and L.C. decided to make a house for Penny to stay in! They used materials from all around the room including cardboard boxes, modeling clay, paint, bottles and so forth to make her a bed, pillows, hanging shelves, a t.v, a roof, walkways, a bathroom, and much more! As their project continued to grow, more children became involved and started brainstorming what else they could give Penny. Before you know it, the group made a ‘hot water tank’ so Penny can be nice and warm whenever she needs. Since they now have hot water, the group decided Penny needs a hot tub! What an awesome way to welcome our Elf, she's going to be spoiled
Cameron Hansen, Educator
Liz Brock, Educator
Caitlin Brock, Educator