april 2024
Exploring Maps!..
Today we put all the treasures and clues we have been finding on our mission onto a big board with tape. The children added pinecones, sticks, rocks, a dime, a bead, a washer and some sand. Now our collection is visible for all the children and they can add more to it as they continue their adventure. Rachelle and I have been thinking of ways we could expand on this idea of a mission. We remembered that A and M had created some maps before during their dramatic play so we printed and laminated some maps for the children to use outside. Leila noticed that the children were using the maps so she found the map of the playground that was created when they were redesigning the outdoor play space. The children enjoyed using the maps as a part of their mission. W and A were using one of the maps when A noticed a bridge. “My plan is to go over the bridge and swim through the pond to the tree,” A says to W and shows him on the map with his finger. A led us to the “bridge” and we were able to cross. W and S were using another map. W said “on a map has to take breaks for breakfast, lunch and supper. It leads us to a secret map and to our house.” The children used the blue gazebo as their house. W was using a stick to make a trail “so everyone knows I made a trail. It's on the map!” When we came inside we had a group gathering where we talked more about maps and what they're for. I asked the children what kind of things they see on the map. “Words” says W. “Trees” says H “playground” H adds. “Trails,” says J. I then asked the children what the maps were for? “It leads us to a lake,” says H. “They help you walk somewhere to find treasure,” says A. “For finding trails for walking” says S. “I think that a map leads you to the Marina,” says A. “To look for treasure,” says W. “You swim to a map” says M “finding fish” says W. “I use a map for finding skeleton bones,” says H. “A map is for finding treasure,” says E. “Finding some bears,” says E. “For fish,” says H. This afternoon we are going to take a closer look at the maps with magnifying glasses. Maybe the children will want to create maps of their own!
Alesha Spirka RECE, Rachelle Minthorn RECE