december 2023
As an expansion to our observations of the children exploring their world through cyclical and linear motions, we thought about how we could expand on these through art experiences. Today we set up an art experience with tempera paint and popsicle sticks. Before we started our exploration, we reflected with the children about all the ways we have been observing them creating, aligning and exploring the materials in our environments in a variety of positions and directions. We shared the thought of “I wonder if the sticks could be used to create lines as well and what would that look like?” The next day we revisited our dried paintings and we reflected on our observations of how the children from yesterday were using the materials. The following day, our group now had time to develop some theories as to how to manipulate the materials to create the effect that they wanted. With re-visitation and reflection there are more opportunities to explore experiences on a deeper level and the children did just that today. The children were observed using their sticks to scoop the paint, tap the paint, spread the paint, and move the paint around in the lids. Some of the children had more to share verbally about their process and thoughts such as “water,” “cookie monster,” “circle,” “tap, tap”, and “round and round”.
Natasha Agostino, RECE
Jessica Chikoski, RECE