Infant Program

november 2023

This month we have been observing the children’s relationships with each other as well as their own relationships with their bodies. We introduced the climber to the program and the children have been testing their skills up and down the slide and the stairs. The children have been working on gross motor skills outside as well, as they navigate their outdoor gear.

One morning we notice all the snow that's in our yard, “how exciting! What are we going to do outside today?” we ask the children. We bring out some trucks, shovels, blocks, and balls into our yard to see what they will do. The children seem to gravitate to the balls that Madi and Hailee kick across the yard, and they let out big laughs as they chase the balls and bring them back to us. As we move further out in the yard to where there is more snow, Madi and Hailee notice how sticky the snow is and begin rolling snowballs. The children come over to see what we are doing and help us pat the snow onto the snowball. “Pat pat pat” SM says as she pats the snow. The children have been getting used to their snowsuits quickly with only a small amount of frustration when they fall over or can’t pick something up because of their mitts.

We are excited to see how we will navigate our bodies when we get lots of snow in our yard!

Hailee King, RECE

Madi Osborne, Educator