december 2023
Through the course of December the children have shown a high interest in the climber and have been spending quite some time up on it. The climber was new for most of the children and a lot of new ways to move their bodies was to be explored. There are 3 stairs on the climber and a slide that can be taken off. The children have been exploring the climber in many ways such as walking up the slide, down the slide, going up and down the stairs, with turn-taking being a challenge sometimes. As we have been using the climber, the educators have been working with the children on the words they can use while waiting their turn, or letting other children know they are in their way, or they would like them to move. Some of the words we have been using are “beep beep” “my turn” “down” “up” “wait” and “slide”. The children are beginning to use the words without being prompted to. As they go down the slide they say “beep beep” to the child at the bottom of the slide and when the other hears they will move out of the way. The climber has been not only great for gross motor development but language and social as well.
Hailee King, RECE
Madi Osbourne, Educator