august 2024
Over the past couple of days, the children took the initiative to learn about fitness. We learned that there are different types of workout machines such as bench press, bicep curls, leg squats as well as the treadmill. We also learned how the bench press targets the chest and triceps muscles, squats target the legs, curls target the biceps as well as treadmill improving cardio. We put together the ‘Infinite Gym' where the children utilized their school bags as well as extra blocks as weights and built their own equipment. They went more in depth and started to create advertisements. We placed them around the school in an effort to promote the 'Infinite Gym'. Not only that, we also decided to provide water courtesy of the owners, DF and JD! We also held contests on who can stay on the bench press the longest as well as who can stay on the treadmill the longest eventually earning a reward afterwards.
Preston Sgambelluri, BA Psy
Caitlin Brock, Educator
Cristy Kuokkanen, SSW
Camryn Blake, RECE