June 2024
This past month the only thing that will engage some of our boys is soccer. We love that they are so passionate about soccer and will share their knowledge about it with us.
However, sometimes it is not possible for us to go outside due to rain or other weather issues. We found that it was challenging to keep the group engaged when we could not go outside.
We had an idea that might strike a balance between their need for soccer and staying inside. We gave the group a large piece of cardboard and asked if they could turn it into a soccer field. CH started the project and the rest followed quickly. They painted the whole field green and used black for the details, like the lines and the net.
Again, we had more questions for the boys, “what will you use as the ball?” “how can you keep the ball from running away?” “what other details does the soccer field need?”
The boys said they needed logos for the field. So we printed logos that they could use as tracers on the light table.
Once the project was complete, the soccer commenced. It was a great way to keep their interests in our room without a soccer ball flying around.
Liz Brock, Educator
Cameron Hanson, Educator