Kindergarten Program

June 2023

While playing outside J.D. noticed a caterpillar on O.R.’s hat. Excited by their find the boys showed their friends and it was decided by the group that the caterpillar needed a home. Immediately they began to gather leaves, sticks rocks and other nature materials, to ensure all the comforts of home were there. Once inside the boys added all the nature items to a large fishbowl making the perfect habitat for the caterpillar!

Making homes for bugs, spiders and caterpillars continues an ongoing interest in our program. The children have been researching different insects, bugs and caterpillars and using this knowledge to identify and create the perfect home for everyone.

We are looking forward to continuing to explore this topic over the summer in our “Triple B Club” (butterflies, bugs& bees).

Jen Tervo, RECE, AECEO C

Paige Cameron, Educator