Get Mark, get set go!
One Friday afternoon the children requested to go outside and use the slide with half a group of children. We decided to make a race pulling one child at a time while the other runs from the Gazebo and back to the soccer net.
The children had a laugh pulling one another around the soccer field.
Constructing a snowy Ice House
As the children were getting pulled by their peers, they begin a new game and decided to pick up chunks of snow to put on their side They would bring their sled over to the rocks, and they began to lay the chunks of snow around to make the layout of a house. Then the children used the blue shells to dig up the snow to make a nice walkway in a driveway to park the sleds. They spent the majority of their afternoon outside shoveling away and making a nice path for their home.
Bobbi Abraham, Early Childhood Educator
Paige Cameron, Educator