
The children have been continuing working on their race tracks and ramps. To extend their play further; the Educators thought, why not try challenging the children by making a ramp with the cars outside?

The Grade One children offered to help with choosing the materials to bring outside to the “moon rocks”; (which are the landscaped rocks that are outside in the school yard!)

The items that they did end up bringing outside included the cardboard ramps, cars, and some wooden blocks.

All the children were very excited to play over by the rocks. It was exciting to see how they were engaging with each other to work as a team. As a group, they were working very hard to listen and collaborate with each other. They worked together to build their ramps and they were listening to each other's ideas on how to make the cars go ‘super fast’ and shoot across the grass. When a ramp wouldn't work out, they would give another child's idea a try. By making the level of their ramp higher using blocks for the cars to catch speed and to travel to another rock using the cardboard.

The Educators were excited to see how well the entire group of children were working together by bonding over their love of cars.

How could we extend on activity further outside?

Bobbi Abraham Early Childhood Educator/RECE

Paige Cameron, Educator