June 2024
Creative Sunglasses and Creations
This week was filled with creative adventures as we explored various activities. In our sunglass-making session, C proudly declared, “I’m making movie glasses!” as she crafted glasses from grey paper with red cellophane. Inspired by C, Co enthusiastically announced, “I’m making some sunglasses!” using different colors and designs. A, eager to join in, stated, “I’m making glasses!” prompting Delnaz, one of our educators, to ask, “What kind of glasses, A?!” A excitedly responded, “3D!” The room buzzed with creativity and imagination as the children designed their unique eyewear.
In our loose parts area, the children created a variety of things using natural items like pine cones, rocks, and wooden sticks, and recyclable materials like cardboard, colored papers, and metal pieces. Gagan, one of the teachers, asked E, “What are you making, E?” He excitedly said, “It’s a dragon!” Meanwhile, Ar, working intently, shared, “I’m making a guy!” The space was lively with the children’s innovative projects, each reflecting their unique ideas and creativity.
For our sensory activity, we had a big bin with sand, water, small containers, and rubber bugs. I was excited about his project and said, “I’m making a huge U-Pot!” He added, “There’s a bunch of stuff in it. There’s even water in it!” The kids loved playing with the sand and water, exploring the different textures and using the rubber bugs in their games. The sensory bin was a favorite, sparking lots of creativity and fun.
Bobbi Abraham RECE, Delnaz Ranjbar BA in English, MEd,
Gagandeep Kaur B Phys Honours, BEd, MEd, specializing in environment and sustainability