Infant Program

June 2024

One morning a bird flew by the window and caught RA’s attention “bird!” she says and runs over to the window. We go over to the window to look where it went and see it sitting on our fence “fence” RA says and points out the window. More children noticed the big commotion and they came over to see as what was happening. LS, NE and MS go over to the window; “what do you see out there?” an educator asks. “Hi birdy,” LS says while holding up the baby “look baby”. RA holds her hand up to her ear “hear birds, hear birds” “do you hear them?” “nope”. A bug is spotted on the window “a bumblebee!” announces LS. That catches DT’s attention and she comes over to look too. “Bug” she labels it. We continue to look out the window for 5-10 more minutes while the children continue to label different things they are seeing “Joki” (river in Finnish) MS says, NE points out “this this!” in excitement. We are excited to see what else they notice as they look out our windows.

Hailee King, RECE

Madi Osbourne, Educator

Keara Fiset, BA, Bed, RECE