november 2024
As the children have been exploring different writing tools, a natural curiosity with pens was observed. Following this curiosity, we added some pens and clipboards into the environment allowing the children to explore this new material at their
own pace. Some children began their explorations by studying each end of the
pen, focusing on the small hole of where the ink comes out, while others become
more curious about the “button”. Attempting to learn more about this special
item, the educators clicked the pen to see if the children would make the
connection with the paper. Still as the experience went on, a variety of
investigations were happening. We then revisited this experience, with a
different group of educators, to compare observations, and share different
perspectives on what the children were exploring.
Keara Fiset, OCT, RECE
Megan Ahtila, RECE
Hailee King, RECE